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School Counseling

Welcome to the Kellogg Counseling Center

We are excited you are here and look forward to supporting you during middle school.
Counselors help with registration and class schedules. We also help students with problems involving peers, teachers, academics, families, deep emotions, or any other issue that disrupts their ability to focus, learn, and be happy. We maintain confidentiality with our students unless what they share reveals harm or threat of harm to themselves or  others.

Meet your Counseling Team

Marie Hurtado

Students with a last name that starts with:

A - E and Dual Language (DL) & Multilingual Learners (MLL) 

Marie pic


Chelsey Hays

Students with a last name that starts with:

F - M

Chelsey picture


Vollie Berry

Students with a last name that starts with:

N - Z and Stride &  AVID Students 

Vollie Berry


Coquille Johnson

Drug/Alcohol Counselor

About Me
